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Where is your office?

For face to face counselling our office is located in the Glasgow Southside area. We have British clients who prefer to use Telephone as well as online platforms such as Zoom. Furthermore, many of our clients residing outside the UK choose Skype as a mode of communication for our couple counselling as well as individual sessions.

I received no response to my enquiry?

We respond to all new email enquiries within 3 working day.
If you did not receive a response there could have been a technical issue. Please email us again on and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How many sessions do I need?

This depends on individual circumstances and the concerns presented. The counsellor may develop an idea of how many sessions are required during the assessment session and will relay this to you during your first session.

Healers Counselling offers both short (6 sessions) and long-term counselling.

Are your services only for Muslims?

Our commitment means understanding and meeting the needs of our clients regardless of race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, cultural background and sex. We will provide help to anyone who requires our support.