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We work under a strict ‘Ethical Framework for Good Practice’ established by Scotland’s professional body for counselling and psychotherapy or COSCA. It outlines the ways in which counselling should be conducted.

Whilst we are not entitled to divulge any information or details you tell us under normal circumstances, if we felt you were in immediate danger to yourself, or to any other person, the counsellor would need to consider involving another person/agency. This would normally be your GP or local emergency crisis Mental Health services. We would always try to discuss this with you first and this would only apply in extreme circumstances.

We need to recognise the limitations of confidentiality in a counselling/therapeutic relationship and we reserve the right to end the agreement at any time.


From the initial consultation we will recommend the number of sessions which can then be extended where appropriate. You can end the arrangement at any time, although this will usually be discussed together. You will be required to pay for your sessions in advance by cash or bank transfer.

Re-scheduling, cancellations and missed appointments:

Every client who books counselling sessions has the right to cancel any booking made (provided we are given notice before the activity start date. For counselling sessions if you need to re-schedule an appointment, 24 hours-notice is required otherwise the full agreed fee is charged. If you fail to attend an appointment, without providing 24 hours-notice, you will be charged the full agreed fee. If you are late in attending your appointment, the end time will remain the same.


We reserve the right to add additional fees for chasing non-payment which adds an admin overhead and late payment fee, maximum of £200. In addition, court costs may be added and will vary according to the amount you owe.